Are you ready for the ISDN Switchoff?

Reminder – BT ISDN Switch Off 2025

As 2016 comes to a close we wanted to offer a gentle reminder to any customers still considering or currently using traditional ISDN PBX phone systems that BT confirmed that the ISDN network will be switched off by 2025 forcing customers of the UK’s roughly 3.2 million ISDN lines to migrate to IP services. Read More
Desk Phone to launch ebay store

DeskPhone to launch ebay store

Today we are pleased to preview the upcoming DeskPhone eBay store. We found that lots of people are searching and buying hardware from Ebay and underestimating the time and costs associated with setting up an office phone system. With our new store our aim is to provide a marketplace for people to buy both new and used quality VoIP hardware that is pre-configured with a DeskPhone account allowing for the simple plug and play installation that we are known throughout the industry for. Read More
The Benefits of VoIP - Banner

VoIP office phones – Infographic

Check out the our first VoIP office phone info-graphic. If your looking for the benefits of switching to VoIP office phones check out this great info graphic produced by the experts at DeskPhone. View the cost savings that can be achieved when switching to a VoIP phone system. Read More
Office Phone Dial Number

Ofcom Plans to simplify UK phone numbers

Today the BBC have reported that Ofcom, the UK’s telecoms regulatory body are putting in place a number of plans to simplify the system of ‘non geographic’ UK phone numbers which start 03, 08 & 09. The advance of telecommunications in the UK has seen a whole host of complicated premium rate number and charging structures outside of the regular area codes that were first used in the UK. Ofcoms own guide on these numbers runs in at around 3 pages so it has been clear for some time that this would need to a reform at some point. Read More
Scale your phone system

Office Phone Systems – The Scalability of VoIP (Part 3)

In our experience in providing super office phone systems for some amazing small businesses, we noticed that one of our their favourite benefits of of using VoIP was the flexibility and scalability hosted VoIP offers. When you think about old school office phones, scalability was alway a bit of an uphill struggle. With additional infrastructure and hardware costing a fortune and slowing your growth it wasn’t surprising to have to shell out hundreds of pounds even for a couple of new extensions. Then there is the problem of temporary project staff, customers we spoke too couldn’t even justify getting a new extension even for mid term staff so they just had to do without. Luckily this is all changing with hosted VoIP systems in place of traditional PBX for your office phones. Read More
VoIP Phones for Small Business

Benefits of VoIP office phones part 2 – Reducing costs

It would be hard for us to do a summary of the main benefits of VoIP office phones for small businesses without mentioning the extraordinary cost savings that can be achieved with a well managed VoIP phone system. At Desk-Phone our average customer savings is an impressive 73% for those who have traditional phones and with UK startups and small businesses having to stay lean in these hard times these cost savings on your office phones can be put into other areas of your business such as your Digital Marketing. So how do we achieve these cost savings for our customers? Read More
Orange Office Phones

Benefits of VoIP office phones for small business

Office phones for small business, the benefits of VoIP | Desk-Phone Small business resources – series 1

One the fundamental reasons why we started Desk-Phone was to give small businesses access to sophisticated, professional communication tools that have in the past only been available for the largest companies. These fully featured office phone systems have previously been out of the reach of the UK’s small businesses and startups mainly due to the high cost of purchasing and maintaining them, however with the recent advancement in communications technology, particularly a surge in VoIP, fully featured office phone systems are now available to all businesses of all sizes for much lower prices than you might imagine. This might sound too good to be true, but what are the benefits of VoIP office phones for small business and why they still so important for small businesses today? Read More